
Professional Advice: The information and materials provided by Probiz Business Consultancy on its website, during consultations, or in any form are intended for general informational purposes only. They should not be considered as professional advice or relied upon for making business decisions. Clients and users of our services should seek independent professional advice specific to their circumstances before taking any actions or making any decisions based on the information provided by Probiz Business Consultancy.

Accuracy of Information: While we strive to ensure the accuracy, currency, and completeness of the information presented, we make no warranties or representations regarding its accuracy. Probiz Business Consultancy disclaims any liability for errors or omissions in the information provided.

Third-Party Content: Our website or materials may contain links to third-party websites or references to third-party content. Probiz Business Consultancy does not endorse, control, or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or quality of such third-party content. Users accessing third-party websites or relying on third-party content do so at their own risk.

Limitation of Liability: Probiz Business Consultancy shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from the use or inability to use our services, website, or materials, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

By using our services or accessing our website, you acknowledge and accept these disclaimers in their entirety.